About Us

Redevi is a leading provider of enterprise wireless connectivity solutions.

Redevi is a leading provider of enterprise wireless connectivity solutions.

Redevi, a term meaning “to power” that originates from the combination of the Latin prefix “re-” and verb “deveo,” is dedicated to powering enterprises with wireless connectivity solutions. As a leading provider in the field, Redevi(formerly Integra Network Solutions) utilizes state-of-the-art technology, platforms, and expertise to drive innovation and digital transformation for our customers.

As a trusted partner, we are here to design, build, and manage your networks. Our technical expertise and solutions cover a range of areas, including Public Safety, DAS, Private LTE and WiFi/MESH.

We take a technology and vendor-agnostic approach, using lifecycle management and flexible cost models (CapEx/OpEx) to find the best solution for your specific needs. Our end-to-end orchestration and custom workflows, along with real-time analytics and network monitoring, ensure that your network is always running smoothly.

We have a track record of delivering exceptional outcomes for a variety of customers, including enterprises, healthcare organizations, residential communities, educational institutions,  government agencies, and Industrial IoT applications.

If you are in need of reliable and efficient wireless connectivity. Contact us today to learn more about how we can meet your goals.
